Sedation dentistry in Denver, CO
The relationship we develop with our patients is based on listening, understanding, and caring for your needs. Independent of what you expect of your dental treatment, we always provide evidence-based dental treatments. Applying state-of-the-art methods adapted to your personal needs, we will find the most suitable solution for you.
We understand many people are afraid of the dentist and we provide special therapy concepts for patients who are afraid of having dental treatment. We focus on your individual needs and offer you detailed consultation. Together we will find the best treatment strategy for your personal needs.
Minimal invasive dentistry
Improvements in biomaterial research (especially composites and ceramics) as well as dental adhesive technology allow long-term restorations with only minor preparation of teeth. In other words: extensive tooth preparations for restorative rehabilitation are often not required anymore. Minimal invasive restorative methods require a high-level competence in treatment strategies and techniques.
General anaesthetic
Thanks to modern anaesthetic methods and medication, treatment under general anaesthesia is a very safe option today and can also be performed ambulant. Normally, the patient can go home accompanied approximately one hour after surgery.
When is a treatment under general anaesthetic indicated?
A treatment under general anaesthetic is recommended when a patient has great fear of the dental treatments (dentophobia) or in cases of extended surgical interventions (e.g. implants). It as advantage of the treatment under general anaesthetic that different treatment steps can be combined. Therefore, the number of necessary treatments can be reduced.